The lower the body weight, the more we must reduce calories. If the person continues on the same system and calories, the plateau state occurs, which is the stability of temporary weight, which is broken by changing the diet and reducing calories.
The product is completely safe for hypertensive and diabetic patients and even helps regulate blood sugar and pressure levels.
The product is 100% natural, but pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before starting to take any medications or nutritional supplements.
go is a product made from the finest types of herbal extracts with medical ratios determined by specialized doctors to ensure quality and efficacy. As for the aromatic herbs, they are of unknown origin, and their effect is very weak because they are not extracted and the determination of the proportions in them is not fixed.
There is no product that helps to lose weight without following a diet and exercising, as the product, diet and exercise are the sides of the triangle that completes the safe weight loss.
Green coffee helps regulate blood pressure levels and does not increase it, but some people who drink green coffee feel a slight increase in pressure, and this is due to different physical characteristics from one person to another.
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Please note that products must be unused, undamaged, and in its original packaging
In case of payment by Visa / MasterCard, the amount paid will be returned to your bank account within 7 working days.